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  Donations and Membership
  Special Announcement 
  for Artists


  Donations and items,
  Photographs and
  • Tuesdays the museum is open 9:00 - 19:00. 


  • Every Friday a guided tour is offered at no extra charge, in conjunction with the guidance department


  Our Address

  83 Mordechai Ben Porat Ave.

  POB 151,

  Or Yehuda 6022687.

  Arrival map >>


  Opening Hours

  Mon., Wed. & Thu.: 

  9:00AM – 3:00PM

  Tue.: 9:00AM – 7:00PM

  Fri.: 10:00AM – 1:00PM

  Closed on Sundays,

  Saturdays and Holidays.


  Public Transportation

  Buses lines:


  36 from the New Central Bus

  Station – Tel Aviv


  59 from Arlozorov Train

  Station – Tel Aviv


  76 from Petach Tikva


  1 from Kiryat Ono


  Employment Opportunities 


Here is a visitors film which opens the museum tours and tells the fascinating story of the Jewish community in Babylon, the greatness and moments of crisis, from the Babylonian exile before about 2600 years, until its return to its homeland and its absorption in the State of Israel.

To watch please click here


Upcoming Events

New in the shop

The Local Channel

תערוכת הילדים.jpg

A new exhibition about 70 Years of Independence - Came from London to the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center, where works by children from around the world are presented, based on items from different museums in Israel.

Click image to view video.


 Further Reading...


At the Museum of Babylonian Jewry, permanent and changing exhibitions create a multicolored mosaic presenting the opulent history and culture of Babylonian Jewry over 2,600 years of exile. Touring the exhibitions gives the visitor a chance to take a journey back to the most ancient of the Jewish Diaspora communities.


 Further Reading...

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