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Family Trees

Family Trees in The Center's Collection

Family trees, prepared by families of Iraqi descent in Israel and around the world, have been collected at The Center. The Center has initiated an online project to make these family trees, accessible to the general public.


The database is constantly growing. Visitors come to research their roots, and document and preserve their family trees, thus adding another branch to the family tree of Babylonian Jewry.


Family Stories

Unfortunately, Babylonian Jews left behind their property, most of their valuables, heirlooms and records. Very rarely were the family histories documented and written, and the impressions of the past remain memories alone. Today, you can document the information about your family on the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center site, and ensure that your family story will be preserved for future generations.


To add information to the database, please contact: The Department of Information and Communications Technology, 03-5339278 ext. 6 / 2.


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