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Databases and Collections
Family Trees
Last Names
Photo Archive
Film Archive
The Zionist Underground Movement
The Local Channel


Collection of Audio Recordings

The audio recordings collection contains approximately 1,500 recordings of interviews with various personalities in the Babylonian community on many topics: the Jewish communities in the cities of Iraq, The Zionist Movement, Operation Ezra and Nehemia, religious life, folklore, beliefs and amulets, idioms and more.


A secondary collection is composed of cantorial recordings collection, containing approximately 90 recordings of piyutim, shbahot, and Torah readings according to the tradition of Babylonian Jewry.


The Center also has a collection of approximately 400 records of the best folk melodies of Baghdad, and songs by Jewish singers of Iraqi descent.


For more information, please contact: The Department of Information and Communications Technology, 03-5339278 ext. 6 / 2 or


The Nai player Albert Elias

The Nai player Albert Elias

The Nai player Albert Elias

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