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About Us 
Chairman’s Remarks
GM’s Remarks
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Supporters and Patrons of the Center
Staff of the Center

Board of Trustees

An international Board of Trustees has been established for the Center, composed of Jews of Babylonian descent from Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.


This is the Center’s highest authority, authorized to discuss and decide any matter pertaining to the Center. The members bear many tasks, including choosing the members of the executive committee and the audit committee, approving financial statements and budgets, choosing the honorary president of the Center and even granting awards to individuals who have made special contributions to the Center.


The Board of Trustees reaches its decisions based on a majority of votes.


The Names of the Board of Trustees:


Aharon Abudi

Eitan Akirav

Eli Amir

David Asia

Shlomit Assif

Ronen Azuri

Yitzhak Barzilay

Aaron Basha

Yehezkel Basri

David Basson

Hezi Batsliaili

Moshe Ben Atar

Shafik Benjamin

Rimon Ben Shaul

Yair Dalal

Meir Dekel

Emile Fattal (Canada)

Tsionit Fattal Kuperwasser

Sasson Gabai

Sabah Gabay (Dr., London)

Zvi Gabay

Nora Haim Huri

Ora Hakham

Yaacov Hakham

Aliza Hamama-Dayan

Oded Halahmi (United States)

Zevulun Hareli

Eytan Irani

Gilit Itzhaki

Jacob Jacob

Ezra Kama (Judge)

Izhar Kanne

Hanna Kazzaz-Dallal

Anat Lev Adler

David Leviatan

Yigal Lushi

Nissim Mashal

Baruch Meiri

Linda Menuhin

Yossi Muallem (CPA)

Yehuda Naftali

Ofer Nimrodi

Shlomo Nimrodi

Yaron Oz (Prof.)

Yossi Rosen

Yehuda Sadik

Efraim Sadka – Prof., Chairman

Benny Shabtai (United States)

Moshe Shahal

Yisrael Shahrabani

Robert Shasha (United States)

Ayala Shashoua Miron

Aryeh Shemesh

Iris Shimonov

Gil Shohat

Elisha Simhon

Manny Weitzman (Holland)

Kobi Yacov Zlicha

Yaron Zelekha (Prof.)

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