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Executive Board

The Executive Board was established to manage The Center’s affairs. At least half of its members must be residents of Israel.


Members of the Board are authorised to prepare the annual budget and various financial statements; arrange the employment agreements; appoint members of the Board of Trustees and choose the CEO.

Professor Efraim Sadka - Chairman of the Executive Board

Sadka, born in 1946 in Basra, Iraq, made aliya with his family in 1951. He completed his BA in Economics and Statistics, graduating from Tel University in 1970; in 1974, he received his Ph.D.  in Economics from MIT, and since 1975 he is with the Department of Economics of Tel Aviv University . During his career at the University, he held the positions of chairman of the Department of Economics and acting dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Sadka  served as President of The Israeli Economic Association (2006-2008). He published more than 100 scientific articles and more than 10 books. He managed to combine a successful business career alongside his all-time prolific academic career. He served, among others, as chairman of the board of directors of the construction and real estate conglomerate, Housing and construction Holdings, Inc. (1989-2005); chairman of the board of directors of K.G.M. Pension Fund (1996-2000); and board member of Bank Leumi (2006-2015). He is currently serving on the board of directors of various corporations (Paz, Ravad, etc.). Throughout his academic and business  career, he always volunteered to serve on numerous public and professional committees in the areas of taxation, pension, social security, corporate governance, etc.

Eli Amir

Amir immigrated as a youth to Israel in 1950.  He grew up and was educated at Kibbutz  Mishmar HaEmek.  Later he worked in the Prime Minister’s Office and served amongst other things as head assistant to the prime minister’s advisor on Arab affairs and consultant on East Jerusalem.  Amir also held the positions of deputy director general and director general of the Aliyah Office. As the manager of the Sephardic Federation in the United States, he established a bureau for yordim (ex-pats). He was chosen as the director general of the Youth Aliya Department of the Jewish Agency and was responsible for the absorption of Ethiopian and Russian Jews. Amir is the author of books that deal with the crisis of absorption and culture between east and west. Several of his books have been translated into many languages and received awards in Israel, and abroad. Two of his books, The Dove Flyer (in English: Farewell Baghdad) and  Scapegoat were made into movies. Eli was awarded the Yakir Yerushalayim Prize, the Yigal Alon Award for outstanding service to society.  He has been a guest lecturer at universities and was radio columnist with Geula Cohen. An activist for peace and improvement in society, he is the recipient of honorary doctorates from the Weizmann Institute, Ben Gurion University, and Tel Aviv University. 

Tsionit Fattal-Kuperwasser

Tsionit Fattal-Kuperwasser was born in Israel (Petach Tikva) to Iraqi-born parents (originally from Baghdad). She served in various roles in the IDF's intelligence corps and was advisor on Palestinian affairs to the coordinator of the government activities, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Tsionit holds an MA in the History of the Middle East studies. She is a winner of the INS (Association to encourage the study of literature and art - founded by veterans of Iraq) award for her first novel "The Pictures on the Wall" which deals with the Jewish life in Iraq in the first half of the twentieth century. Her book, translated from Hebrew to Arabic, was the first novel written by an Israeli-born author that was published in Iraq. She maintains contact with Iraqi intellectuals and together with them promotes projects regarding literature and research.

Nora Haim-Huri

Haim grew up in Tel Aviv and studied at Alliance High School. She served in the IDF as an education NCO at Shmonim Camp (Nahal), and after being discharged, continued to work in education. Nora holds a BA in Sociology and Criminology and also has extensive knowledge in the fields of communications, journalism, public relations, and marketing. Today, she is married and the mother of four children, and manages a finance and real estate business. She holds an MA with honours in Hebrew Literature and authored a book published by HaKibbutz HaMeuchad.

Zevulun Hareli

Hareli, born in 1927, joined the underground movement in 1943. He instructed groups and served as the coordinator of the Young Pioneer Zionists. Before immigrating to Israel, he served as the secretary of the branch in Baghdad as well as the regional commander of the Hagana Hashura. He immigrated to Israel in 1949, joined Kibbutz Palmachim and ran the Babylonian Connection Office at the Kibbutz Hameuchad. Zevulun was also a coordinator for working youth from absorption camps. Some of the positions he held included manager of the Transportation Minister’s Office and manager of the Dan Region for Clalit Health Services. He is the chairman of the former members of the Underground Pioneer Zionist Movement, as well as a member of the Executive Committee at the Heritage Center. Hareli holds a BA in Economics and Political Science. In 2013, he was awarded the Yakir Ha'Ir Ramat Gan (Esteemed of the City) award.

Jacob Jacob

Born in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1942. Immigrated to Israel in 1951. Teacher’s Seminar and Senior Teachers’ School graduate.

Head teacher, vice head of Mevaseret Zion local council, advisor to the ministers of Environmental Protection, Labor and Welfare, and Public Security.

Head of the Culture branch of Jerusalem Municipality. Head of the Adult Education, Popular University and the Libraries departments.

Today – retired. Married to Sara, father of 5 and grandfather of 16.

Partial list of public roles: head of the Culture Principals Organization, a member of the Mifal HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts, board member of the Israeli Association of Periodical Press (IAPP), board member of the Israeli Authors Association, board member of Jerusalem Khan Theater, member of Mevaseret Zion local council Culture Committee.

Publications: featured column in Mevaseret Times and Our Jerusalem, wrote 13 books on the topics of poetry, literature and anthropology.

Host of poetry readings and lectures about culture and art.

Appears as a guest on TV and radio shows.

Hanna Kazzaz-Dallal

Kazzaz-Dallal, born in Baghdad, studied at Kibbutz Kabri and completed her matriculation certificate in Tel Aviv. She studied at the Commercial College in England and holds a BA in History.

For 35 years, Kazzaz-Dallal was involved in public service and volunteering in several foundations, including: WIZO, and the Suzanne Dellal Center. She was also the chairperson of both the Student Foundation and the Prize Committee for Achievement.

Hanna worked for El Al and the American Air Force. She also managed a commercial enterprise and was a manager at Bank Hapoalim.

Today, Kazzaz-Dallal is the treasurer of the Foundation for the Elderly in Or-Yehuda and at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center.

Yigal Lushi

Lushi, born in Baghdad on April 30, 1931, to a large family (10 children), lived in the neighbourhood of Tatran. He studied at the Midrash Talmud Torah and Menashe Tzalach School, followed by Frank Eini High School. Immigrating, via Persia, to Israel in 1950, Yigal enlisted in the Israeli Police force in which he served for 40 years; beginning as a police officer and completing service with the rank of chief superintendent in command in charge of several operational positions. He studied law for two years at Tel Aviv University and earned a BA in Criminology and an MA in Public Administration from Bar Ilan University. In 1993, he was appointed CEO of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center. He held that position until 2013. Yigal is married and the father of three children and eight grandchildren.

Iris Shimonov

Yehuda Zadik

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