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The Farhud

Toward the annual memorial service for victims of the Farhud which will be held at the Center, we bring before you a chilling testimony of a survivor who experienced the pogrom as a child.

The Research Institute at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center is active in researching, documenting and commemorating the victims of the Shavuot pogrom, the Farhud, 1941, on several levels:

  • Recording testimonies by voice and photography.

  • Publishing of two books edited by Prof. Shmuel Moreh and Dr. Zvi Yehuda: The first - "שנאת יהודים ופרעות בעיראק" in 1992, and the second - Al-Farhud, in cooperation with the Hebrew University in 2010.

  • Presenting an exhibition issue's the Farhud, at The Museum with the assistance of the Claims Conference of Germany.

  • Creating a testimonies film, of Jews who witnessed the pogrom.

  • Holding an annual memorial service for the victims of the Farhud.

In these actions, the Center commemorates the victims and ensures that the Farhud will not be forgotten. The published studies reach Iraq and Iraqi Muslims around the world. In recent years, books have been published in Arabic against the trend of denial the Farhud, with their writers using the materials published by the Center.

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